The Cascadia Technical Academy, formerly known as the Clark County Skills Center, began in 1983 as a cooperative educational venture between six Southwest Washington School Districts. The vision of those districts was to create a school, in partnership with business, "to prepare students for the work force" by offering students the opportunity to be trained in technical career areas too expensive for a single district to fund. Today, with our changing economy it is more important than ever for us to recognize the importance of education and skills for all students. If you are interested, take a look at this video about "Success In The New Economy: How Prospective College Students Can Gain A Competitive Advantage" by Brian Marsh. It provides a compelling case for exploring careers early in order to make informed decisions about college/educational goals.
In support of the school mission, the Cascadia Technical Academy is leading the state in its implementation of the 21st Century Skills in the curriculum taught and the expectations of excellence in its students. As a collaborative effort, the staff developed expected outcomes for all Cascadia Tech students. They are called "Qualities of a Cascadia Tech Learner" and are listed below:
Creatively Solve Problems:
- Actively research, synthesize and apply new information and skills in order to reach conclusions.
- Find multiple ways to solve a problem and can share the strengths and weaknesses of my solution with a variety of audiences.
- Communicate effectively in all forms within diverse environments utilizing common industry language.
- Work with others in a flexible and consistent way in order to accomplish a common goal.
- Present and conduct myself in a professional manner
Cascadia Technical Academy's...
VISION: Excellence, innovation, and a passionate spirit define the Cascadia Technical Academy.
- We are a visible community presence, driven by dynamic community partnerships and responsive to the global marketplace.
- We are a preferred source of highly capable employees.
- Our passion is driven by our students and their success.
- We are distinguished for preparing students with career and technical skills, academics and professionalism.
- We are pioneers in creating 21st century technical and academic training.
- The Cascadia Technical Academy is nationally recognized as the benchmark for professional and technical education.
- To prepare each student with the relevant knowledge and skills for learning, career, and life.
- We value a safe, respectful, and caring professional environment.
- We value industry and community-guided career training.
- We believe we affect life-long learning and positive change in both students and staff.
- We value teachers who are industry professionals.
- We value technical and professional development.
- We value quality through continuous improvement.
- We value integrity, honesty, and accountability.
Cascadia Technical Academy opened its doors to Clark County high school juniors and seniors in the Fall of 1983.
Currently, there are over 1000 students attending the Skills Center.
The Cascadia Tech is cooperatively owned by the following school districts:
Battle Ground
Educational Service District #112
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Today’s cutting-edge, rigorous and relevant career and technical education (CTE) prepares youth and adults for a wide range of high-wage, high-skill, high-demand careers. Check out fast facts above, or learn more with our Policy and Advocacy Publications, State CTE Profiles and the CTE Prepares the Qualified Workforce summary of employment projections.
Image borrowed from ACTEonline.org
Image borrowed from ACTEonline.org