Gallery of Excellence
Welcome to the Gallery of Excellence! This page is designed to showcase our students work of excellence. Come back and visit often as add more work to the gallery.
Welcome to the Gallery of Excellence! This page is designed to showcase our students work of excellence. Come back and visit often as add more work to the gallery.
Celebration of Learning - May 20th, 2016
Thank you to all our students who shared their learning and to all our guests, parents, and community members who support the Skills Center.
Here are some photos of our student presentations
Here are some photos of our student presentations
2nd year dental students are learning about skull bones and cranial structures through a hands on creative project. Can’t wait to see what the muscles and nerves look like next!

The Legal/Medical Office Applications class, joined together in making posters which are hanging in Bldg 300 to show their united support the their anti-bullying campaign during the month of October.

We are proud to announce that Clark County Skills Center's very own, Noah Brands (second year Aviation Tech student) has been selected as a recipient of the National Airplane Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) Blackburn Flight Scholarship worth $5,000.00! Read the full story at this link.
Information Technology students collaborated in order to role play their skills needed to effectively speak-up for themselves while trying to resolve a workplace problem with their supervisor.
Pre-Engineering students in teams were asked to create cardboard tables and chairs using the design process. The chairs had to hold a minimum of 75 lbs and the table, 100 lbs. Students built their furniture completely out of cardboard without any glue or other kinds of fasteners.
Students in Construction Technology are learning about the Pythagorean theorem through hands-on application.

First year ITS3 students were given an option to pick a final project. The project had to demonstrate: documentation and project planning, oral presentation skills and completion of a technical task.
Some chose to build different types of servers and
a number of students chose to build a computer in a non-traditional case. Here are a few examples. They all work.
Check out the first year Cosmetology's culminating project where students researched cosmetology styles and techniques for various decades starting with the 1920's through the 80's and included the influence each decade has had on this ever-changing industry. Enjoy this video production. (Click to the left) |

Meet the "Makers" of the Clark County Skills Center Pre-Engineering Design Technology Class, Click here to see their video and

The students in the second year ITS3 class studied hard and several gained their certification for MTA (Microsoft Technology Associate) Windows OS (Operating Systems) Fundamentals Certification last week. This certification let's potential employers know that these students understand the fundamentals of installing, configuring and managing the Windows 7 operating system so they can support others who use the Windows environment. They are now moving towards their Networking certifications through CISCO. The students that gained this distinction are pictured to the left: Trevor Best, Justin Lindsey (not pictured), David Skillings, Josh Ditchavage, David Gabalis, (kneeling) Nathan Rominger and Carlos Guzman. Congratulations!
October is Anti-Bullying Awareness Month and our school has pledged to stop bullying and make a change. We will not bully. We will not leave anyone out. If we can't stop it, we will tell an adult. We know that change starts with us. We will stand up for what is right! The picture to the left is one pledge visible in the hallway of one of our buildings. The picture below (left) is of our Legal/Medical Office Applications session 1 class. They took it upon themselves to make their own Unity T-Shirts and showed their Unity on Oct. 22nd by wearing them as a united front to stand up against bullying. The picture below (right) is of our Restaurant Management session 2 class showing their unity too!
The assignment in my Fashion Merchandising class was to draw a picture a, alien woman in a very fancy long gown from an advertisement. I learned a lot about how to exaggerate by extending the figure, so it’s long. Also by darkening where the curves of the picture are. During this assignment I also had to learn about balancing the figures proportions on both sides of the picture. I liked this particular assignment because it was very fun to draw looks that are already very dramatic looking and the dress was beautiful. It would definitely be something I would feel fabulous in. Even though I still had to make changes on what I did not like. As in the hair, I also did not like the alien look. This assignment was not too hard to draw until I decided to color it in. You have to be extremely careful because coloring can make or break a picture. You can add too much color or too little and it will look scribbly. Luckily enough it turned out exactly the way I wanted it.
Ellie Syverson (Hudson’s Bay High School): Fashion Merchandising and Management |
This CAD model depicts a pneumatic version of the Wankel rotary combustion engine, which was originally developed by Felix Wankel in 1957. Unlike conventional four-stroke piston engines which reciprocate back and forth, the rotary engine operates in a fluid circular motion, allowing for much higher operating speeds and twice the horsepower as a conventional engine of the same weight. The rotary engine derives its power from a triangular rotor which revolves around a central gear inside of a chamber. The chamber is mathematically constructed so that the tips of the rotor are always in contact with the inside of the chamber. Because the three “pockets” created between the rotor tips change in volume as the rotor rotates, compressed air can be forced into a “pocket” as it expands and then released when it contracts again. In the process of designing this motor, I learned a great deal about using mathematical equations to draw a curve in SolidWorks. Hopefully this will enjoy the same performance advantages as its gasoline counterpart! I am a second year student in the Pre-Engineering Design Program. I plan on attending WSU Vancouver after I graduate and studying Mechanical Engineering.
Keenen Boudon (Homeschool): Pre-Engineering Design Technology |
Vertical and horizontal lines on a page and circles inside a strange looking object. You see the shape of an object but to an untrained eye there are dotted lines, outstretched lines, and numbers that don’t belong. However, some know exactly what’s on this paper. It’s a technical drawing; a drawing that has two (or more) views of one object. It shows a person where everything is on that part. This picture also has dimensions on it to tell manufactures just how big the part needs to be. Before I came to the Skill Center I had seen technical drawings before. However, I was just as confused on what I was seeing as you probably are. I could see the shapes but couldn’t figure out how they fit together. When I started learning about technical drawings in Pre-Engineering, I could see how the three shapes came together to make one big picture. I started seeing how all the lines and numbers were helpful tools to describe exactly how big a piece needed to be, and where it needed to be. Every drawing is exact and takes time to make it perfect. The truth is I love doing these drawings and I’m proud to be in Mr. Whittingham’s Pre- Engineering Design Technology Class.
Emilie Williams (Homeschool): Pre-Engineering Design Technology |
I have learned many important things about food such as molecular gastronomy and equipment use as well as the technology behind it. The most important thing I have learned is the EYES EAT FIRST! If your eyes cannot taste it, it doesn't matter how well it was cooked or how well it was seasoned. As you can see the first picture I took was in black and white, which sparks no emotion, no sense of flavor or excitement. I took my own criticism and changed the photo to color in order to convey the taste, texture and skill used through the photo. Now you can almost taste the technique, I’m not a perfectionist but I am only satisfied with the very best, and daily I improve my very best. Sous Chef Gerald Morales, CJC (Evergreen High School): Restaurant Management Program |